Thursday, December 24, 2009


hi ppl,

Seperti yg d janjikn.. for my 2nd entry I nk cte psl "sugar gliders" what is that?? bunyinye mcm pet rite? absolutely!! I've one n0e as "mia". If you are planning on purchasing a small pet for your kids or family, and are looking for a pet that is cute, friendly and fun, then you should consider a Sugar Glider.

What Are Sugar Gliders?

The scientific name for Sugar Gliders is Petaurus Breviceps, which is a species of small and tree dwelling marsupial. They are mainly native to countries, including Australia, Indonesia, New Guinea, and Tasmania. Sugar Gliders are known by this name because they are fond of sweet food and, also, they love to glide even from a height. These Sugar Gliders are also known as ‘pocket pets,’ because of the following two reasons. Firstly, they are small in size and, secondly, they like being carried in pockets or pouches. That is why many Sugar Glider owners keep these charming animals in their pockets to carry them wherever they go. These cute little critters are marsupials, which are young ones that are born immature. These immature babies develop in a mother’s punch until they become capable of surviving even without their mother’s body. These pocket pets are approximately 5-6 inches long and weigh around 4-6 ounces.


pix yg kt atas tu sume nk entertain apa itu sugar gliders.. haaa..msti sume da tau kn?? kiut nye x pyh nk ckp..mmg comel. mata nye yg bulat n hitam pekat.. I namakn my baby sbg "mia" coz mia ni girl.. errkk.. if much more better if it will be betina rite! hehe.. ok let me tell u bout mia..

...Mia Habits...

  • ske d manje2 kn..
  • ske mkn apple merah
  • ske jilat n gigit my fingers
  • she love buai yg I buat
  • ske tdo dlm baju (tempat yg gelap) "mia ni gatal sket..hehe"
  • ske mum honey
  • ske berak n kencing atas aku!
  • ske bgn time I nk tdo mlm
  • ske bila I bwk g jln2 (tgk movie, hang out with ma frenz n etc)

so many to list bout mia habits sbbnye mia ni mmg bnyk kerenah..aduhla..! I akan con't tentang mia habits d lain entry... tggu e

Mummy mia


  1. comel gile die..
    mana u dpt die ni?
    senang x nk jaga?

    new blogger yea? welcome..hope we can share things!


  2. cute lah... nak bela kena ada lesen erk??

  3. fais: sorry for not updating my blog.
    damn cute rite! i bli kt klang
    atas recommend mmbr i. x ssh nk jge
    but u must give full commitment sbb
    this bby glider ske attention dr tuannye.

  4. naz: x pyh ade lesen pn..
    i'm very sure that x rmai
    org tau pet nih kn..
    try to get one dude. :)
